Uitgaand bellen
Uitgaand bellen in taakbalk modus
Klik op het Go Integrator Nava-pictogram op de Windows taakbalk, voer het telefoonnummer in en druk op Enter.
NOTE: The dialing method is the same regardless of the Preferred Device type selected. However, the call process will vary with the device type selected – a "dialback" may need to be answered first by the selected device before the outgoing call is made.
Dialing from AppBar
In Appbalk modus, de "Gesprekken" pagina is inclusief de Belbalk.
Voer het telefoonnummer in, druk vervolgens op Enter of klik op de knop Bellen om het gesprek op te zetten.
NOTE: The dialing method is the same regardless of the preferred device type selected: Deskphone, Softphone etc. However, the call process will vary with the preferred device type selected – a "dialback" may need to be answered first by the selected device before the outgoing call is made.